To Fill or To Lift: That is the Question!

Facelift Plantation | Fort Lauderdale FLAbout one hundred years ago, men and women were excited about the emergence of cosmetic plastic surgery. During the early 1900s, facelifts became a very real option for people wanting to look like they plunged head-first into the Fountain of Youth. Medicine has evolved so significantly since that time, we hardly think about actually correcting the signs of aging with surgery anymore. We’ve got other methods to achieve our goals, so why even think about it? Well, there are good reasons to take time in choosing how to age gracefully.

Misconceptions About Filling vs. Lifting

There are two key ideas that consumers have about facelifts versus fillers (and don’t forget Botox).

The filling will look more natural.

This idea that injecting fillers and neuromodulators into the brows, cheeks, lips, and other areas will preserve the natural appearance of various features is easy to believe. The thing is, it’s not true. We can find evidence of over-filling without looking too hard, just tune into pretty much any reality television show, and you’ll see plastic-looking pouts and much more. Actress Courtney Cox recently admitted to an A Ha! moment in which she realized her filler habit had cost her the very natural appearance she was trying to preserve.

Does this mean that the signs of aging cannot be treated? No. Injectables are not the enemy. In fact, we perform injectable treatments every day in our Plantation office. The key is to know when a surgical lift might be warranted. Botox and dermal fillers are excellent treatments, but they are not the end-all-be-all, and they should be used with care.

I have been using Xanax (Alprazolam) for about a year and I am so happy to find a correct treatment for my anxiety. Anxiety is a serious problem which didn’t let me live my life as before. The feeling of fear and uncertainty brought me to the idea of self torturing and I couldn’t get rid of bad thoughts and feelings. Xanax cleaned up my mind and I continue taking Xanax (Alprazolam) at I don’t want to drop it. It gives me certainty and confidence.

Surgery is more expensive.

Yes. And no. Surgery is going to cost more at the time of service. Yes. However, many people realize after a time that they have paid more for frequent injectable treatments than they would have paid for an eyelid, brow, or face lift. It isn’t only the up-front cost that matters. For the greatest value, we must also consider long-term gains from various treatment options.

Get the help you need to look as young as you feel. Call Suria Plastic Surgery to learn more about non-surgical and surgical beauty treatments.

Posted in: Face Procedures, Facelift

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