Remember your Options for Facial Rejuvenation

facial rejuvenation | Suria plastic Surgery FLThe field of aesthetic medicine has grown so quickly in recent years that it is easy to get caught up in all of the innovation. It used to be that signs of aging were corrected surgically, or not at all. This is no longer the norm. Most men and women, in fact, start to dive into the anti-aging realm soon after they notice concerns that make them look older than they feel. While we are all for non-surgical facial rejuvenation, we want to remind you that there are options outside of injectables, lasers, and other technologies.

Going Back to the Basics

It wasn’t too long ago when the surgical facelift was the gold standard of facial rejuvenation. The fact is, this procedure still is the best way to go if you want long-term results and have multiple concerns you want to correct. Let’s look at 3 distinct improvements that can be achieved with the surgical facelift.

A Smoother Jaw Line

The jaw line isn’t something we give much thought to. We get used to the angles of our face and feel surprised when, one day, the angle along the side of the jaw is replaced with hanging skin. Sagging jowls are a concern that many men and women have, and one of the most notable improvements that come from the surgical facelift. This region of the face is eased of the accumulated volume as underlying tissues are draped in a higher position.

A Slimmer Chin

The jaw line is one of two lower-face regions that suffer from the effects of age. As you have gotten older, you may have become more aware of that double-chin than the slight wrinkles around your eyes. Recently, the FDA approved the use of Kybells to reduce submental fullness, and this treatment is quite popular. However, Kybella is not perfect in every situation. If excess fat is also coupled with loose skin under the chin, more impressive results will be noticed with the facelift procedure.

Rounder Cheeks

All that fullness that accumulates at the bottom of the face comes from somewhere, and that is from your cheeks and the mid-face region. The cheeks are not rounded solely because of the underlying bone structure. Between the bone and the surface are superficial muscles and a fair amount of fatty tissue. Over time, this fades away (and shows up as jowls). The surgical facelift adjusts the supportive structure beneath the surface to restore fullness to the mid-face.

Your Plantation cosmetic surgeon would love to speak with you about facial rejuvenation with a facelift or through other treatment options. Call (954) 472-8355.


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