Many people fantasize about getting a body makeover. Just about every person over the age of 30 – and especially women who have had children – include a tummy tuck into this make-believe plan to makeover their body. More and more, studies are showing that belly fat is one of the most prevalent and difficult […]
We may not live in a part of the country where frigid temperatures send us indoors throughout the winter months. However, there are seasonal changes that take place, and they affect how we live our day to day lives. An interesting trend that many plastic surgeons notice is that more patients express an interest in […]
There may be several reasons for the change in body shape. For many women, motherhood leads to significant laxity in abdominal muscles and the skin across the midsection. Weight loss, as well, can cause this concern for men as well as women. At Suria Plastic Surgery, patients from around the country can consult with experienced […]